Thursday, May 7, 2009

Good grief it's May?

I am terrible about keeping up here. I'd much rather read Pioneer Woman than write something of my own. Anyhoo, here are some quotes from the little minions I have had the honor to substitute teach.

"Why do you write in all capitol letters?" Answer: "Years of Drafting classes. Now be quiet."

"Am I on your list?" (list of misbehaviors for the teacher) Answer: "Wouldn't you like to know. Now be quiet."

"Is this the first time you have subbed?" Answer: "Nice try. You wish. Now be quiet."

"I can't read. I have a short attention span." Answer: I didn't have an answer to this. Just "Try your best and BE QUIET."

"Weren't you on Wife Swap?" Answer: "DF&#*($)#FHJER(W#JBJKHVKW#(#$&*#$(:??????"

These were all seventh graders. I had 15 detentions in the seventh grade. I believe this is what they call Karma.

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